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I want to make a film

A film that exposes how global wealth and the politics of greed are not only destroying our forests but also threatening our democratic values.


We’ve all heard the politicians.

We’ve all seen local communities voicing their concerns, only to be ignored.

We’ve marched together, demanding change.

But what else can we do?

I’m working on a documentary—a compelling film with the power to drive meaningful change.

To have the greatest impact, it’s crucial that this project is completed and widely shared before the 2026 New Zealand election.


Your support can help bring this vision to life and ensure its message reaches as many people as possible.

Discover how you can make a difference today.

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What's driving us

Here at home, international corporations and wealthy individuals are wielding undue influence over our government, which welcomes offshore “investors” that exploit our resources and damage our environment. To better understand this issue, we’re focusing on a specific example: the proposed gold mining operation in the Coromandel State Rainforest.

By unpacking this story, we aim to expose the deeper problems driving this crisis.

A Bryan Bruce Production

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© 2024 Bryan Bruce Productions Ltd

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